Harish Shankar's movie with young NTR is going to be rolled out soon. The movie's title has been officially out today along with the first looks. The movie has been titled Ramayya Vastavayya. NTR is seen holding a mace with fierce looks. Produced by Dil Raju, the movie has been much discussed one among social networking platforms as it's being directed by someone who gave Telugu audience a super hit in the form of Gabbar Singh.
In fact, this project got so popular on social networking websites that team of Ramayya Vastavayya released the first look of the movie on Twitter today. Dil Raju, the producer of the movie said that the team of Brindavam paired up once again and expressed his confidence about the success of the movie. He even hailed the work of the director Harish Shankar. If things go on as per the schedule, the movie will be released sometime in August!
(AW Phani)