Will it be possible for you to divide a ten digit number by a five digit number without the help of a calculator? I don’t say it’s impossible, but to arrive at the correct figure within 35 seconds is almost a mission impossible! And to an IIT student in Delhi, it was no hard nut to crack. Dr. Amit has created a new world record by calculating ten digit number by five digit number in just 34.5 seconds. He broke the previous world record of 36.7 seconds. Amit calculated 10 divisions within five minutes forty five seconds without penning down any rough work. The complete details of this record can be found in The Book of Alternative Records and also on RecordSetter.com
The event took place on March 2012 at Annapolis, MD, USA. On creating a new world record, Amit was published in the Books of Alternative Records. It may be noted that Amit completed hi B. Tech from IIT in Delhi. He along with his wife Susmita lives in the United States.
Indians always shine wherever they are and that’s the reason why they are most sought after by many giant employers who are based in US and other foreign countries. (Phani)