Hairstyles play an indispensable role in terms of making an impressive fashion statement. Be it any color blond, Black or brown a nice hairstyle uplifts a man's personality. Since we are always obsessed with the ways celebrities style themselves it's not uncommon to copy their hairstyle. But if you want to copy it, just remember one thing...do it with style...
1. Boy Bob
From Ashton Kutcher to Brad Pitt to Johnny Depp, some of the Hollywood hunks have an obsession with boy bobs. What’s with the look? It’s a free look that doesn’t need much care. Wear your bob cut neck-length or let them fall on your shoulders just like Christian Bale’s.
2. Pompadour
It’s a style above the rest! Probably Kevin McHale is the perfect pompadour personality. The style rewinds to the 70s; nonetheless it is trendy. A word of caution though:: it works better with a clean shaven look. If you are ready to compromise the beard, your pompadour might just give you the one-off look.
3. Blond Locks
Have curls? Without a second thought, locks are your thing. Even better if your tresses are long enough to sit neatly curled behind your neck! Maybe Orlando Bloom’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy gives an idea of what you are in for. Colour them blond for a complete chic look.
4. Rocker Mane
First things first: this look isn’t for everyone. It needs innate oomph and loads of attitude. It’s like investing in a Mercedes or Ferrari because the maintenance requires too much effort. But the effort is nothing compared to the wild, rocking Tom Cruise look that women drool over!
5. GQ’Do
Unlike its unusual name, this hairstyle is rather a DIY style easily achievable by a comb and a little pomade. It’s a simple slicked back side part that rests easy and neatly. David Beckham did perfect justice to this style by avoiding a high-shine liquid, and so should you.