The news that the stars are going to drop from the sky has reached the far corners of the world already, thanks to the technology. The date has arrived and you are less than 24 hrs away from witnessing a majestic celestial occurrence in the sky, with your naked eyes; the Universe’s own fireworks. They in fact are not stars but the debris from a comet, generally. But this time, the Geminids that would grace the sky without the moon tonight, have their origins from a mystery rock, Phaethon 3200.
The question finally comes down to how equipped are you to watch the meteor shower? What is the best way to make the most of this occurrence? We are here to enlighten you on the same.
Equipment: Unless you want to take pictures there is no need of advanced gadgets of any kind. A bunk bed, some hot coffee, an insect repellant and a reclining lawn chair would be the most luxurious set up you need. For the camera part, you would need an able camera, a DSLR preferably mounted on a tripod, which is set to manual focus at infinity, a smaller aperture f/9 or lower, (bump up the ISO if required), a shutter speed set to bulb or 30 seconds. Pictures would be just magnificent to say the least.
Where: It is best if you can go to the outskirts of the city away from all the pollution for the best experience. But, since the meteors are plenty, as many as 40-50 per hour, you can have a fairly good view even if you are on your roof top. Just make sure there is no direct light on to your eyes. Watch around the Gemini star, Castor which is the radiant point. Google Sky users can wield their smart phones to know the exact location. If you don’t have one, just stare up in the open skies, there are plenty of them all over the sky.
When: Starting at 0:00 hrs tomorrow would be a good time. Though you will have fewer meteors in the first hour, it would allow your eyes to adjust to the dark of the sky so you can see them at their brightest. They would peak before 5 am in the night. Without the moon disturbing the dark, on a new moon phase, you are all set to get the best of the shower.
With: It is always good to have a friend spot the opposite direction for you and help you cover half the sky. This could also be a family event, adding great fun.
Patience: This is a celestial occurrence and not something you can observe without being patient. Spend at least one hour lying in the sky and wait for the stars to hit you.
Bonus: You can also catch a glimpse of Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the sky while watching the meteors.
Thank me and gather your groups to witness this marvel in the sky.
(AW- Anil)