Petrol hike-yet another burden on middle class section in the country! With the Centre hiking petrol prices barely within a day after the petroleum minister Jaipal Reddy stressed on the need to increase oil prices came in as a shock to n number of people in the country, who commute on their own vehicles.
Rs. 7.54 hike per litre is what apparently irking the people who are using the social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter for expressing their vain. Such a steep increase in petro prices is supposedly the massive hike the country ever witnessed.
In Kolkata, the present petrol prices are currently Rs. 77.88 per liter and till yesterday they were Rs. 70. 03.
May 15, 2011, the petrol prices were increased by five rupees and now again by seven rupees. The oil minutes said depreciation in the rupee has forced them to increase the fuel prices. The prices of LPG and oil are not increased so far as the decision has to be taken after a consensus among political parties in the country.
All in all, common man is apparently facing too much of burden due to the constant increase in petrol prices and sky rocketing prices of essential commodities. (Phani)