To all those, who have been awaiting to see Shruti Haasan on screen after Gabbar Singh, this piece of information might bring big curves on your faces. Gorgeous actress Shruti recently said okay to a project by Harish Shankar (the one who directed Gabbar Singh movie). It is known that Harish Shankar wrote a script for NTR and got a green signal from him the moment Gabbar Singh movie got released.
Shruti Haasan signed the movie last month and she kept it a secret until last minute. It was said that she was not playing female lead but a special role in the movie. Recently she tweeted stating that it was great to be back to this (Gabbar Singh) team and she was enjoying the shooting. Produced by Dil Raju, this movie has Samantha in the female lead. NTR is going to appear as a college student in this movie. Since this is a movie by Dil Raju and Harish Shankar, expectations are sky-high.
(AW Phani)