Jabardasth movie starring Siddharth and Samantha is gearing up for a massive release tomorrow. Directed by Ala Modalaindi fame, Nandini Reddy, Jabardasth was said to be an out and out comedy flick with enough masala elements to entertain people. In fact, this happens to be first time both for Siddharth and Samanth to act in almost comedy roles.
The tickets for Jabardasth movie are already up for grabs as many theatres. Tickets are available at many multiplexes in the city. So, if you want to watch the movie, grab your tickets right away as watching a movie on its release day is a thrilling experience, isn't it? Anyway, Andhra Wishesh would come before you with Jabardasth movie review tomorrow. So, do visit this space for Jabardasth review tomorrow.
(AW Phani)