Mega power star Ram Charan Teja is celebrating his birthday today. It's a great coincidence that even festival of colours has also fallen on the same day this year. Therefore, it's like a double damaaka for all fans of Ram Charan Teja. Cherry, who was born in 1985, has turned 28 today. He was born in Chennai. He made his debut with Chirutha movie in 2007 and it was an average hit. He rocked the audience with his splendid performance in Magadheera movie, which created a new record in Telugu film industry.
Last year Charan got married to Upasana Kamineni. Apart from acting, Ram Charan Teja is interested in horse riding too, which he learned in Chennai. He currently owns the esteemed polo team, Hyderabad Polo Riding Club. He is also on the board of directors of MAA TV.
Ram Charan Teja is currently working on a couple of films out of which the remake of Zanjeer with the same title is the prestigious project given that the original version had Big B Amitabh Bachchan in the lead role. Therefore, this year will be really special to Ram Charan and his fans. AndhraWishesh wishesh Ram Charan Teja a happy birthday.
(AW Phani)