Stylish star Allu Arjun who came from mega family created his own image and style in the cinema world. His acting skills apparently made him grab the number one position in youth heroes in Tollywood. When asked if family name would help for an actor, Allu Arjun gave an interesting reply. He said family name would help in making people flock to theatres but it's the stuff in the actor that will make them admire him.
Chiranjeevi's brother Pawan Kalyan too created the same image in Tollywood industry. Although people know him as Chiru's brother, they simply call him Pawan Kalyan. That's because Pawan Kalyan made his own mark in the industry and Allu Arjun too seemed to have followed the same path.
Anyway, Allu Arjun is currently working on a movie titled Iddarammaiyilatho in Puri Jagannadh's direction. The movie is scheduled to be released this summer.
(AW Phani)