Sunil and Naga Chaitanya starrer Thadaka has launched the audio in a grand function yesterday at the Shilpa Kala Vedika, Hyderabad. The star studded event was attended by several celebrities and the crew itself.
The movie will feature Tamanna and Andrea Jeremiah playing the lead actresses in the movie under the direction of Dolly. The movie is being produced under the banner of Sri Sai Ganesh Productions.
At the venue, the crowd couldn't control their enthusiasm with five punchy songs and catchy tunes. Though, an audio release function cannot be an index of how good the songs are, we can definitely say that a few of the tracks would remain golden for the years to come.
Here is a complete list of the songs
1)Nuvvu Nenu Bomma
Singers : Tippu, Ranjith
Lyricist: Bhaskarabhatla Ravikumar
Singers : Neeti Mohan, Sooraj, MM. Manasi
Lyricist: Ramajogayya Sastry
Singers : Karthik, Priya Hemesh
Lyricist: Ramajogayya Sastry
4)Mara O Mara
Singers : Suchith Suresan, MM. Manasi
Lyricist: Ramajogayya Sastry
5)Gana Gana Bottu
Singers : Haricharan, Priyadarshini
Lyricist: Ramajogayya Sastry
(AW- Anil)