The BJP Prime Minitsterial Candidate Narendra Modi complains that the popularity BJP is getting is not digestible to Congress Party which is making the party to use CBI to go after the supporters of BJP. Narendra Modi attended a public meeting at Bangalore which is the first visit after he was announced as the Prime Ministerial candidate of BJP. He said that the Government is trying to throw mud on BJP and also trying to smear his personal image.
He also complained that the Congress party is sitting pretty in ivory tower not able to curb the prices and utterly failed in solving the problems of the people of India. Modi says that they are playing an indoor game where the BJP is playing outdoors.
Addressing about 4 lakhs of people gathered to attend the meeting Modi questioned whether the tabs Government is putting on the opinion polls is correct. He also questioned whether asking Lata Mangeshkar to return Bharata Ratna is correct simply because she expressed her view that she wanted to see him (Modi) as Prime Minister of India.
Modi said that the priority of BJP is to empower India but not to empower the party with vote bank politics like Congress party does.