BJP National President Rajnath Singh said in the public meeting at Nizam College grounds at Hyderabad that only BJP can make the separate Telangana a reality. He said that Telangana will be given within one month of BJP’s coming to power. He asked why those parties are elected that cannot do justice to the Telangana cause.
BJP promises Telangana even if it will not get absolute majority. BJP is sure of making its alliances accept for the Telangana Statehood. He also challenged Congress Party to introduce Telangana formation Bill in the Parliament and assures that the BJP will vote in favor of it.
But TRS is following its own strategy. TRS is keen on getting a good number of seats in the Telangana region and politically fight for the separate Statehood. Although BJP says that as a National Party they can take immediate decision if they get power, TRS decided not have any truck with them. TRS wants to increase political strength for their party.
For the criticizing parties of TRS stand questioning why it is not supporting BJP, stand of which on Telangana is loud and clear and as a National party it can also will have the power to take a decision in favor of Telangana when comes to power, TRS says that it believed TDP and Congress and got cheated by them in the issue of Telangana. Now TRS does not want to believe any one. It wants to strengthen the party and thus strengthen their voice in the Parliament to demand for a separate Telangana State.