A stalemate took place after Delhi elections in which BJP, AAP and Congress won 31, 28 and 8 seats respectively without absolute majority to any one of them. Delhi witnessed a hung Government for the first time because of the triangular fight of the above political parties.
BJP offers AAP to form the Government and AAP cries foul for it. AAP President Arvind Kejriwal says it’s unfair on the part of BJP to say that.
A proverb in Hindi says that two Nawabs saying respectfully to each other to board the train first with ‘Pehle aap’ (after you) and ultimately both miss the train.
In case of hung Government, President’s rule will be imposed and fresh polls may be ordered within 6 months again. The Lt.Governor invited BJP candidate Harsh Vardhan that has 32 seats including Akali Dal to form Government at Delhi but the party although has scored top marks, the second top AAP is working as a stopper in its reaching to the throne.
Former IPS and one of the members of Anna Hazare’s crusade against corrupition Kiran Bedi worked with Arvind Kejriwal said that it is unfair that Delhi people are not getting a stable Government for which both BJP and AAP should take responsibility and sort out the problem.
Latest buzz is that the AAP is considering giving an issue based support to BJP as they both should not lose as in the ‘pehle aap, pehle aap’ incident.