Nani's Heroine Roped in for Sharwanand: Young actor Sharwanand is running low with back to back disasters. His recent offering Ranarangam ended up as a dud and the actor is busy wrapping up the shoot of 96 remake that will release during the end of this year. His next film is titled Sreekaram and the regular shoot commences next month. Kishore Reddy is making his directorial debut with this village-based romantic drama and Sharwanand plays a farmer in Sreekaram.
Priyanka Arul Mohan who is making her debut with Nani's Gang Leader has been roped in as the leading lady in Sreekaram. The makers are in plans to release the film during Sankranthi 2020. The major portions of Sreekaram will be shot in Ananthapur and Tirupathi regions. Mickey J Meyer composes the music and 14 Reels Plus are the producers. Sharwanand is in plans to bounce back with Sreekaram.