Yellow alert to know heart attack

September 17, 2011 17:34
Yellow alert to know heart attack

Yellow alert to know heart attackDenmark, Herlev Hospital research team said, Xanthelasmata mostly made up of cholesterol is a greatest sign of increased risk of heart attack.
A study published on the BMJ website showed patients with xanthelasmata were 48% more likely to have a heart attack.

Thirty three years later, 1,872 had a heart attack, 3,699 had developed heart disease and 8,507 had died - and the data showed that those with the yellow markings around the eyes were at greatest risk.
Those with the markings were 48% more likely to have a heart attack, 39% more likely to have developed heart disease and 14% more likely to have died during the study.

The authors believe patients with xanthelasmata may be more likely to deposit cholesterol around the body.
However they warned that: "Today, most people with xanthelasmata are seen by dermatologists, when they want their xanthelasmata removed for cosmetic reasons.

"Some of these people may not have been managed according to their increased risk of cardiovascular disease."

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