As Saif Ali Khan who's also known as Chhote Nawab will soon be honored the tenth Nawab of Pataudi. However, since the title was extinguished years back, Saif makes it clear the ceremony is only to keep the sentiments of the villagers., reports Mumbai Mirror.
Pataudi was supposed to be the last holder of the title Nawab since princely states were abolised by the government in 1971.
As source told, “The people of the princely state were keen to crown their chhote nawab. For purely sentimental reasons, the people of Pataudi wanted Saif to be the crowned Nawab.”
Saif, on the other hand was not too keen on taking the title. “It is an anachronism. And also, I would like to remember my father as the last Nawab of Pataudi,” he was quoted by the daily.
Saif said“These titles are no longer recognised by the government. And rightly so, if you ask. But the people in our villages are sentimental about these things. The ceremony is more of a family tradition and hugely symbolic for the people of Pataudi,”
According to Mumbai Mirror, The event will take place in Pataudi at the end of the month, 40 days from the demise of Tiger Pataudi,.