The Dravida Munnettra Kazhagam (DMK) MP from Rajya Sabha Kanimozhi said coming clean out of the 2G scam, in which she was accused as the co-conspirator, was the top most priority for her and her party, at Chennai, Sunday. She confidently said that they would face the 2G spectrum case with the "right approach" and hoped to prove her innocence.
In a brief chat with newspersons the 43-year-old daughter of DMK President M Karunanidhi told reporters at her CIT Colony residence, where she was staying with her parents and family members on her return from New Delhi Saturday. She said she would definitely come out of the case and prove her innocence. ''By adopting proper legal methods, I and my party DMK will come out clean on the 2G case,'' she asserted.
Ms Kanimozhi, who was charged as a co-conspirator in the case was arrested and lodged in Tihar Jail for 194 days. After the Delhi High Court granted her bail, she was released from the jail on November 29. She said she was moved by the enthusiastic response from the DMK cadres who had thronged the airport to receive her.
''I am overwhelmed by people's response... it acted as a healing touch for the sufferings I underwent,'' she said, adding, her father and DMK President M Karunanidhi was really worried about her. Several DMK leaders and party functionaries made a beeline to her residence to congratulate her on her release from prison by offering shawls and bouquets.
''It's nice to come back to Chennai and see so many supporters, who came to airport to accord a rousing welcome, at one place,'' she said, adding it provides a healing touch to her. Stating that she was physically and psychologically fine, Ms Kanimozhi said she would continue with her political activities on the path shown by her father and party President M Karunanidhi.