The Tamil Nadu Government would take up construction of 1 lakh RCC houses with an expenditure of Rs.1000 Cr replacing the damaged huts in the recent cyclone affected districts of Cuddalore and Villupuram in the state.
Addressing the assembly, Rosaiah said the construction would start immediately to provide shelter to the cyclone affected people. “The government has sought an assistance of Rs. 5248 crore from the Centre to help people in their financial adversity following the recent natural calamity,” he said.
Appreciating the government for taking timely action to warn people during the recent Thane cyclone and provide relief to them, Rosaiah said the government had sanctioned Rs.850 Cr for relief and rehabilitation.
Rosaiah also extended his condolences to the bereaved families of those killed in the heavy rains and floods that followed the Thane cyclone on Dec 30 last. A total of 177 persons were killed in the aftermath of the cyclone. (JUBS)