The video showing a boy daring -13 degrees Celsius New York roads shocked the netizens. The video shows that a four year old is forcibly left to stand on a snowy road daring the very cold weather. The voice of the boy is heard pleading the mother who is also beside the dad watching the son. But the mother laughs and encourages the son.
The video created much commotion on the info highway with comments ridiculing the act of the parents and sympathy towards the boy. But not many would ever dare to utter a word had they known the reality.
Ho Yide, the four year old boy was by birth a pre mature baby. The boy’s parents were advised by the doctors that he might suffer development difficulties. But the boy’s parents in particular his father, a businessman from the eastern city of Nanjing planned a harsh regime for the boy to counter his medical deficiency. The plan seems to have worked positive results. The lady who was an assistant to the father, revealed the details online. She wrote that the child had agreed to run in the snow: ‘This child has received all sorts of forms of training since he was small.’ She said the father ‘doesn’t care what others say’, adding: ‘The fact that the child lived shows he has tenacious vitality.’ (With inputs from internet: AarKay)