Delhi High Court on Friday heard the plea of the complainant in IPL molestation case, Zohal Hamid, who wanted to withdraw the case she slapped against IPL-RCB player Luke Pomersbach. While Zohal was present at the court, accompanied the complainant was her boyfriend-fiancee Sahil. Even Luke was present at the court. All the three together called the incident ‘unfortunate.’
It is known that the ruckus that took place at a private hotel became a sensational news across the globe since it involved a non-Indian cricketer and a US citizen. The complainant, Zohal Hamid is a US citizen and approached the police stating that she was allegedly molested by an IPL cricketer while her fiancée was punched on his face.
She continued to hog media’s attention by later dragging the name of another Royal Challengers Bangalore player. Now, all of a sudden she changed her mind and wanted to quash the cases against IPL player. Earlier, Zohal’s fiancée said they would drop the charges as they had great respect for Mallya.
The petition of the complainant said : "The petitioners have reached settlement as per settlement deed dated 23 May 2012, whereby inter se disputes between the parties have been amicably settled without any pressure, coercion or undue influence."
Meanwhile, the lawyers of Zohal have also told the media that Zohal would not file a defamation suit against RCB MD, Sidhartha Mallya. It is known that she served notices on Sidhartha when the latter posted derogatory statements to his Twitter account. (Phani)