The Aviation Minister Ajith Singh issued ultimatum to the pilots who were protesting against the government. As per the minister’s statement which simply implies that `either end the strike or new pilots will be hired.’ On Friday in Delhi after the talks between the protesting Air India pilots and the Union Minister failed to make headway, the ministry stressed that Air India might be forced to hire new pilots. The strike that reached its twentieth day on Saturday is gaining momentum and the latest rumor is that even management pilots might join the brigand of the protestors.
"We reiterated the stand of the government that it is an illegal strike. It has caused untold miseries to passengers. AI has lost much and therefore they should come back to work immediately," Singh said after the meeting, also attended by AI chief Rohit Nandan. The Ministry proposed that there would be no action taken on the pilots if they continued work. In addition most of their demands would be considered. However the Indian Pilots Guild (IPG) stuck to its demand asking for reinstating the 101 grounded pilots, which the ministry disagreed.
The strike call or the mass sick leave by the national airline pilots since May 7 had caused much inconveniences to the passengers, in addition to huge loss to the liner. Many flights were grounded and that left passengers to be strapped on to private airlines. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)