The Bollywood veteran 'Kaka' is recovering well says his family on Thursday bringing respite to his eagerly awaiting fans across the globe. Yesteryear's Superstar Rajesh Khanna was not well since sometime and had been undergoing treatment at a hospital. And on Wednesday teh 69-year old romantic hero's family members told that he was not taking any food intake. But today he seems to be recovering. His son-in-law actor Akshay Kumar "He's more than fine. He is absolutely fine. Thank you for your concern," told reporters outside Khanna's bungalow Ashirwad in Bandra in Mumbai.
Innumerous fans rejoiced the news of the star's recovery. And made a beeline to his residence. The yesteryear hero acknowledged the fans by waving to them and showing them the 'V' for victory sign from the balcony of his house. He was dressed in a crisp white kurta, a stole and dark shades. Though he looked weak, his charismatic spirited smile was visible say sources. Kaka was a versatile actor and the first ever superstar of the country say movie pundits. Kaka is now taken care by his estranged wife Dimple Kapadia.
Akshay Kumar and his wife Twinkle, daughter of Rajesh and Dimple was also present on the occassion. Another daughter of the couple Rinke was also present say sources. The Aradhana hero who is a University for romantic action had a string of 15 succesve filmes which ran to packed houses before being declared as the superstar of India. He began his career in 1966 with Aakhri Khat' . And his latest venture before the spot light for a fan advertisement on TV. Wishesh wishes the veteran, a speedy recovery. (With inputs from internet-AarKay)