Many NGOs and CBOs involved in the HIV/AIDS sector had to reduce the manforce due to the lack of funds. Many workers have even completely stopped their work. The finincial crunch has caused the organizations to fall into doldrums. Many have not even cleared their electricity dues and rents. The worst result of the crisis was observed in the former sex workers who had to go back to their previous ways of earning a living to support their families.
These former sex workers had been working in NGOs as peer educators and outreach workers. An outreach worker who had been struck badly by the crisis said that he had waited 2 months for her meagre salary of Rs 7,000. She said she was forced by the lack of income to go back to “the only other work she knew.” This outreach woker worked with a CBO that worked for the welfare of transgender population. He had to distribute condoms and advising the safety precautions to the new entrants.
An NGO in Mumbai based in Ghatkopar complained that they had no funds even to purchase stationery for the essential needs of the organization. Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust's director, Eldred Tellis said he had to borrow money from the trust's buffer to ensure the sustenance of 3 IDU projects. Bigger NGO's could fight the crisis to a better extent but the smaller NGO's have suffered and have not coped yet.
A Global Fund based in Geneva has completely halted finincial aid for the cause of all diseases in India, HIV included.
Dr Neeraj Dhingra, who functions as the deputy director generalfor NACO, has promised to investigate the hows and whys of the crunch. He added, “Enough financial support can be provided to projects only if the NGOs maintiain a clear record.
AW- Anil