The Kurla police have identified a gang of 4 members that has involved in forgery and cheating to earn money fraudulently. These four members made friends with a few people employed with mobile service providers. They then obtained details of corporate companies which payed the monthly bills via cheques.
Noting down the details like name, account number and signature of the officials they made a fake letter head of the company and ordered a cheque book. One member in the gang would attain the disguise of the company official and then collect the chequebook and the credit details.
The gang resorted to at least 10 cases of fraud in Mumbai and Pune after reading the newspapers and magazines to understand the way the frauds have to be executed.
With the money they earned fraudulently, they invested in bullion market and bought10 gold biscuits weighing 100gms each. They valued at Rs. 27 lakhs.
It was not until the Apex TechnoPlast Pvt Ltd, Indian Overseas Bank and Apna Sahakari Bank lodged complaints in November, 2011 did the events see the light of the day.
All the four members were identified and arrested. One of the members of the gang told the police that they were all school mates and dropouts. They resorted to the crime to earn the money in a short amount of time.
Police have confiscated gold biscuits from the gang's possession and they have been booked for cheating and forgery
(AW - Anil)