Abhinav Vidyalaya English Medium High School had hosted two teachers from the United States, thanks to the science teacher Charu Mathur, for a period of one week. The teachers from US, Laurie Smelter and Aebeyo Abraha, were called to share best practices in the area of teaching and were also a part of Teachers for Global Classrooms TGC programme.
As an alumnus of the ILEP, International Leaders in Education Program, 2011, Mathur was chosen to host two teachers from US. Mathur had attended many scholarship programmes attended in the previous 3 years such as the NASA's 'Educators @ Space Academy Programme' in 2008 at Huntsville, Alabama and 'Advanced Space Academy Program' in 2011 at Kennedy Space Center, Florida during which she gained numerous experiences.
Space Science club was also recently inaugurated in the city by the chairman of the International Space Society, Suresh Naik who was also a former group director of ISRO. Laurie Smelter and Aebeyo Abraha were guests of honor.
To make sure that the project would sustain for a longer period, schools participating would conduct 'Space Science Club' activities in their respective schools. Underprevileged schools that have no sufficeint resources would be taken up as members of another school with the resources as their club members.
(AW- Anil)