On Sunday, Activists of the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena MNS, allegedly vandalized director Rohan Sippy's film set after they went on a rampage trespassing the commercial compound in Subarban Boriwali.
The incident occurred on the afternoon of Sunday when they had an argument with the watchman at the Garden Wafers Company.
Ravindra More, the driver of the MNS MLA Pravin Darekar was going through the Garden Wafers Company in his Honda car while the watchman at the old premises stopped and questioned why he was entering the premises. This lane was often being used by commuters as a shortcut but the watchman stopped More leading to a argument and a quarrel.
More though left the scene immediately had gone only to return with 10 -15 more MNS activists, the Kasturba Marg police said.
The movie set that was set up there was completely destroyed which belonged to Sippy. They also vandalized over 16 vehicles that were parked there. 2 people have also been injured and have been admitted at the Bhagawati Hospital.
Police who learned of the incident immediately rushed to the site and detained 4 activists from the MNS. They have been booked for rioting and causing damage to property and the extent of the damage is being evaluated, police said
(AW- Anil)