In the 2002 Gujarat riots, 11 members of a single family were mercilessly slaughtered to death in the Dipda Darwaja case. 22 people involved in the case were convicted in the case by Judge SC Srivatsava while 61 others were acquitted including the Bharatiya janata Party, BJP, MLA Prahladbhai Mohanlal Patel, (Gosa).
All the 83 people were acquitted of their charges for murder while 21 were convicted for attempt for murder and another person was convicted for dereliction of duty. The BLP MLA Prahladbhai the MLA from Visnagar in Mehsana district has been given the benefit doubt and acquitted of all the charges.
A mob had killed 11 members of the same family including two children and a 65- year old woman a little over a decade ago on 28 Feb 2012 in Dipda Darwaja of Vinsagar town in Mehsana district. 83 people were initially accused and for the incident including three women. Later the number of the accused increased to 85 after court allowed the application of camplaint after which the BJP MLA and the former Police Inspector of Vinsagar Town, M K Patel, were also accused.
Two among them died however bringing back the number to 83. While one of them was a minor involved his case was transferred to a juvenile court. Another accused had died during the course of the trial.
The court had examined 127 people and 8 eye witnesses in the case. This was the only rioting case which had over 3 women accused of murder.
83 accused of the Dipda Darwaja case have been charged under sections 302 (murder), 307 (attempted murder), 323 (Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 324 (Voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means), 325 (causing grievous hurt with deadly weapons), 367 (kidnapping in order to cause grievous hurt) of Indian Penal Code among other sections
(AW- Anil)