After losing control over the speed, a car veered off into the canal below the Pune-Mumbai Expressway near Lonavala drowning four people including an elderly couple. Just a day ago five people were killed after a multi utility vehicle was hurled off the Pune Mumbai Expressway after being hit by a overspeeding car.
The old couple who were traveling with another relative couple were on their way to pune to attend a funeral while the sad incident took place. Vasantlal Gandhi (70) and his wife, Sarojini (65), Jitendra Gandhi (51) and his wife, Jayashree (51 were drowned in the canal after the driver Devidas Marathe had lost control. Jayashree was the lone survivor with minor injuries in the accident and is now being treated at the government hospital in Khandala.
The accident took place when it was raining hard. The car was found to be submerged completely except for the two wheels which were barely visible. Jayashree was pulled out of the vehicle by the police while the bodies of the elderly couple and the driver were soon taken out of the car. A little later Jitendra'd corpse was found floating a few meters away from the vehicle.
A Delta Force Vehicle was summoned to pull the car out from the canal and on the way to the accident site it was hit by a speeding car on the rear end ironically. Three of the passengers in the car Yusuf Shaikh (30), Firoz Qureshi (34) and Ahmed Shaikh (30) were injured.
(AW- Anil)