With the recent increase in the number of Dengue cases in the city which currently stand at 46 and over 80% of the households were found to have poor living environments which were breeding grounds for mosquitoes. This mosquito-borne infection is responsible for several illnesses which if left untreated could cause a dangerous condition called dengue hemorrhagic fever.
What should you know about Dengue?
Dengue can cause flu-like illnesses which may turn into lethal complications. Over the past few years the number of cases around the world has increased several folds. 2/5th of the world population is at a risk of being a victim. Tropical and Sub-tropical countries are the most easy victims; which includes India as a whole. Contrary to the belief that the unkempt village and other rural areas may be more affected, Dengue is more common in Urban and Semi-urban areas.
The highest rate of deaths and grave illnesses in children is due to dengue. Such a dangerous disease may not have an efficient cure as most people fail to recognize it.
So, how can you escape from Dengue? Here are a few household tips to prevent Dengue
Do not let water stagnate in anywhere open in the house. Try to store only a little water for household use and use the stored water within a couple of days. Check tires or plastic containers which have been thrown out near houses for water. If present get rid of the water in a drain and prevent further stagnation of water.
Water in the plant pots should be allowed to seep and not stagnate by loosening the soil.
If you have an air-conditioner make sure that the water that flows out from the external unit doesn't collect at one place left exposed.
Water from flower vases should be checked and replaced every day. Wash the flower stalks in the vase to get rid of eggs laid.
The only way to efficiently and definitely escape the fatal disease of Dengue is to prevent the multiplication of the vectors.
(AW- Anil)