In a shocking news, a 24-year-old school teacher at a government school at Nagapattinam of the state has allegedly written a love letter to a girl, who's studying seventh class. The girl, reportedly, didn't notice the love letter, which was kept by this teacher in a text book. When another teacher opened that book, he was shocked to see that letter and reported the matter to the school authorities.
The school, with immediate effect, has suspended the teacher on Tuesday for having written love letter. The accused named Paul Mohan was not available for comment. Teacher has a special place in Indian tradition wherein he/she gets next place to God. But it looks like many teachers today are plunging into teaching profession without ethics due to which such incidents are hitting headlines time and again.
Before appointing an individual as a teacher, the school authorities should do a background check to assess the character of the candidate as teachers are the ones who should propagate that end of all knowledge is to build up a sound character.
(AW Phani)