The lawyer of the main accused in Delhi rape case (who committed suicide this morning in his cell in Tihar jail) was astonished to hear the news that his client allegedly ended up his life. Speaking to the media, the lawyer VK Anand has said that there was no reason for Ram Singh's suicide as he was not under the stress. He further said that Ram Singh was happy with the way the trial was going on. Nonethless, Ram Singh's counsel wanted to the case to be shifted out of Delhi due to security reasons.
It may be noted that Ram Singh was the main accused in Delhi rape case. He was the driver of the bus on which were aboard Delhi rape victim and her male companion on December 16th late evening. The media reports said that the accused hung himself to neck till death this morning at 5 in his cell in Tihar jail. His body was shifted to the hospital for post mortem.
(AW Phani)