The records discharged on Thursday showcased even though the monarch never uttered the words and likely never saw them the prominent fact that British officials drafted an emotional rallying cry for Queen Elizabeth II as part of an exercise simulating the outbreak of nuclear war. As a matter in actuality, the text of a dummy speech intended while it's prepared as part of a war game exercise in the spring of 1983 to spell out possible Cold War scenarios actually was discharged by Britain's National Archives in a division of declassified documents.
Accompanied by earnest desire family, God and patriotism in moving tones, showcased the queen trying to rally the country in the middle of the threat of disintegration from a nuclear-armed Soviet Union. Further, the text reads that they all know that the dangers facing them today are greater in degree than at any time in their long history. On the contrary, whatever terrors lie in wait for them all the qualities that have helped to keep their freedom remaining uninjured twice at a time earlier than expected during this sad century will once more be their strength.
(AW:Samrat Biswas)