The Finance Minister made satirical remarks on Narendra Modi's comments in his election speeches as PM candidate for BJP.
Narendra Modi has to be more careful as his speeches in public are closely observed by his followers and also opposition parties who want to make fun of him or criticize him or lodge complaint about him. Quotations with ill informed data may sometimes can catch him off balance and throw him into an awkward situation.
Modi said, "I am not as educated as him...but I know inflation is not because of buying gold but due to corruption." Modi at his election rally at Jodhpur said that Chidambaram attributed gold buying to inflation.
Reacting sharply for it, Chidambaram said that he never said that buying of gold can cause inflation.
He said, "After history lesson, Narendra Modi has delivered his first lesson in economics...I recall having said on many occasions that buying gold, which is almost entirely imported, worsens current account deficit (CAD). I don't recall saying that buying gold causes inflation."
He added sarcasm when he asked economists to take note of the new lesson from Modi.
At Patna Rally Modi said that Chandragupt belonged to Gupta dynasty. He said in Bihar that Alexander’s army conquered the world but was defeated by Biharis. But Alexander’s army never crossed Rever Ganga and never defeated by Biharis. Instead of calling Shyamaji Krishna Varma, he called Shyama Prasad Mokherji and said that the freedom fighter’s ashes could not be brought from Switzerland. Shyam Prasad Mokherji was in fact the person who founded Jansangh which later became Bharatiya Janata Pary (BJP).