Presidential candidate, Sangma (who's being backed by BJP) has arrived at Chanchalgua jail in Hyderabad to meet YSR Congress party president Jaganmohan Reddy on Monday. The sources said that Sangma was denied to meet Jagan. So, Sangma went straight away to Lotus Pond( Jagan's residence) where he met Jaganmohan Reddy's mother YS Vijayalakshmi. Sangma reportedly sought YSR Congress party's support for his candidature for President's post. It is known that Vijayamma is the honorary president of YSR Congress and she's currently leading YSR Congress party now. It may be noted that ex speaker, Sangma has even quit his party over his strong desire to become the president. In fact, NDA is divided on presidential candidate. While AIADMK and BJP are supporting Sangma, Shivsena and others are supporting Pranab Mukherjee's candidature.
Earlier, Congress MP from Hyderabad, Asaduddin Owaisi has met Jaganmohan Reddy in the jail and urged him to support Pranab Mukherjee in the upcoming presidential elections. YSR Congress party is yet to take a decision on the same.
(AW Phani)