Hollywood actor Tom Cruise reportedly filed a defamation suit for $50 million against Life & Style magazine for allegedly carrying out derogatory articles alleging that he abandoned his six-year-old daughter, Suri. The attorney of Tom Cruise, Bert Fields confirmed this to a leading news agency. The lawsuit was filed in a federal court in Los Angeles. He said that the story had published in the magazine had no merit. The lawyer of Cruise said that the news was a lie.
The magazine is published by Bauer Publishing. When the media in the United States tried to get in touch with Bauer Publishing, it reportedly declined to comment on the lawsuit. It may be noted that Life & Style magazine on July 30 published an article 'Suri in Tears, Abandoned by Her Dad.” Photo of Suri was also published. Notably, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorced in August. Mr. Cruise filed for divorce on June 29 while the couple together released a statement stating that they amicable settled their divorce and they were working together in the best interests of their younger daughter. The divorce was finalized only on August 20 whereas the article published was on July 30. So, a few attorneys-who were not involved in the case-said such articles could have impacted the child custody agreement.
Gossip sites:
Print media aside, there are many gossip sites across the globe, which only aim at defaming the personalities and making money by selling their baseless news. Tom Cruise's reaction is the best example to show how worse things can turn in case person defamed approaches the court of law. Such websites will even have to face the consequences of Libel. This could be the reason why all GOSSIP sites, which are scared don't give any details of their offices, from where they publish.