BSNL will offer free national roaming for its prepaid and postpaid mobile connection from June 15, announced by Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad. The Minister also instructed the state-run operator to improve the quality of services, especially in the border and extremist-affected areas, to become market leader and win back people's confidence. Ravi Shankar Prasad said that full mobile portability will be given from July, while announcing the achievements of his ministry as part of the program to mark the Narendra Modi government's first year in office.
Subscribers of BSNL's pre-paid 2G and 3G services are offered get the unused mobile Internet data balance to be added to their plans when they go for next recharge. Due to the high demand for 3G services, BSNL is going to introduce new 3G mobile Internet plans at prices which will be the lowest in the industry. While more and more customer friendly initiatives are taken, the department should also take necessary action to change the mentality of the employees. This is very much required for the survival of the PSU, while private players offer excellent service and have customer friendly employees.
This is a welcome step for the loss making public sector undertakings to win more customers and make it a profitable company. The government is also planning to set up 2,500 Wi-Fi spots this year alone. The government’s initiatives are seen as customer friendly. These initiatives will trigger the overall development of the country in a big way. Already BSNL has made night calling from landline to any phone from 9 PM to 7AM free.
By Premji