“Dawood Ibrahim, the key man behind 1993 Mumbai blasts, is currently in Pakistan”, reports says.
It is to be remembered that, Pakistan many times denied that, it is protecting Dawood, but the Indian Intelligence agencies have earned the documentary evidence proving Dawood, along with his wife and children, has been living in Karachi's Clifton Road. The evidence is a telephone bill in the name of Dawood’s wife. The bill even has house address.
After earning this evidence, the Indian officials reportedly are getting ready to confront Pakistan's National Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz. Regarding this, the latter will arrive India on Sunday and give an explanation on the issue.
Aziz meets Kashmir separatists?
On the other hand, there is even a buzz saying that, Aziz will meet the people intending to separate the Kashmir from India, in Delhi and give a good backup to them. Condemning this, Pakistan officials said, “there are no such arrangements being done for Kashmir, we already left the issue.”
Interpol red corner notice on Dawood Ibrahim and his associates
There is an Interpol red corner notice against Dawood and his associates, Tiger Memon and Yakub Memon, for their role in the blasts in 1993 across Mumbai, in which 257 people were killed and thousands were injured.
Among them, Yakub Memon was hanged last month, out of his several trails to come out of the case were failed. It is after 22 long years after Mumbai serial blasts incident, Yakub was hanged. The President refused all the mercy petitions filed by him till the last minute. The dead victims’ families applauded the government for its decision.
However, the officials found out that, Tiger Memon is in contact with Yakub’s family and Tiger warning letter to the judge alerted the Intelligence officials. Now, Dawood’s presence is also found. Hope the case progresses further and the officials catches hold of all the culprits behind the case and hang them as early as possible. By the way, the left side image is Dawood's current picture. He just removed moustache, but the looks are still the same.
By Phanindra