A recent survey in America states that lowering expenditure on Gas and Oil could be pumped back in to the economy that is sure to make better living standards. As per the reports almost the entire political clan is supporting the new clean car standards Washington pegged at 54.5 mpg by 2025. Because this simply means a drastic cut in oil dependency and carbon pollution This eventually translates into savings that could be used otherwise. Less money on fuel means more jobs and more development.
Well we in India came up with various options like, public transport, mass transports and sharing the car pool system. However ego played a spoil sport suppressing the urge to adhere to any of these measures and hence this traffic chaos. And now giving weight-age to our egos, a group of scientists have come with a novel initiative to fine tune engines to take in lesser of these ingredients. This means enormous savings in the long run, resulting in the valuable savings of the foreign exchange.
New technology is set to lower the high cost of filling up the car by enabling combustion engines to consume two to three percent less gas and significantly less oil. It also eliminates a manufacturing step. This problem has now been solved by researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU in collaboration with a car manufacturer and a machine tool producer. So with this advantage the car market is sure to grow by leaps and bounds in future. And with it we are also blessed with a no frills attached deal of traffic chaos growing enormously. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)