On Tuesday, The BSE benchmark Sensex gained almost 36 points in early trade on fresh buying by funds and retailers ahead of industrial output data, amid a firming trend on other Asian bourses. In fact on Monday, the 30-share barometer, which had lost 37.02 points recovered by 35.67 points, or 0.18 per cent, to 19,681.88, led by gains in oil and gas, auto and realty sector stocks.
Likewise, the wide-based National Stock Exchange index Nifty moved up by 2.40 points, or 0.04 per cent, to 5,944.75.
According to the brokers, expectations of better industrial production (IIP) data for January to be released later on Tuesday and a firming trend on the Asian markets largely in line with overnight gains in the US markets, mainly triggered buying by funds and retail investors.
Coming to the Asian region, Japan's Nikkei was up by 0.35 per cent, while Hong Kong's Hang Seng by 0.18 per cent, in early trade and that the US Dow Jones Industrial Average ended 0.35 per cent higher yesterday.
(AW:Samrat Biswas)