Indian visas just got easier with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh expressing his wish to tighten the nation's ties with China. In recent times, a prickly cross border relationship gave way to rational discussions over business ties. Singh is looking to make trade, along with visas to India, simpler in a bid to close several gaps.
What this essentially means is that China will have a larger role to play in the country’s infrastructure. With FDI options opening up for China, the Chinese will get to have more say in many businesses in India. The initiative comes at a time when investments from China display a lack of security.
Combined with India’s growing troubles in the economy department, the PM is doing all he can to alleviate some of the issues with more business opportunities to the Chinese. Next week, he is visiting China, where Singh will emphasize on deepening trade ties by offering longer standing business visas. A visa to India will soon be valid for 1 year, instead of 6 months.
(AW: Sruthi)