Anil Ambani led Reliance Infrastructure [R-Infra] has filed a Rs 100 crore defamation suit against the Aam Aadmi Party [AAP] in the Bombay High Court for their allegations of malpractices against the company's power distribution business in the city of Mumbai.
Reliance Spokesperson said, “We had sent them notices last month, asking them not to make baseless allegations against us. But they held a press conference on February 26 and made allegations. Thus, we filed a suit the following day.”
The suit was filed against the AAP Maharashtra convenor Anjali Damania, spokesperson and secretary Preeti Sharma Menon and party member Satish Jain who have held a press conference on February 20, about the power scam in Mumbai. They claimed the R-Infra and Tata power made a gain of Rs 434 crore by charging more.
Responding to the defamation case, Satish Jain said, “our Lawyers will look after the case but whatever we have said is absolutely true and will abide by it. In fact now we have a good opportunity to expose the wrong doings of the company that weren't disclosed yet.”
(AW: Vamshi)