Under tremendous pressure from the Supreme Court and millions of netizens across the country, Minister of State for Communication and IT, Milind Deora accepted misuse of the Information Technology (IT) Act and said that the government is open to making the law more objective to prevent further misuse. This means Government is likely to rethink and amend section 66A of the infamous IT act.
"As a minister of the department that has and will initiate this act, we are open to changes and suggestions. We don't think it's hard and fast rule and has to be applied like this for the rest of history. If there is better wording that can be used in this or any other section, we are open to it. We've never said that we have a closed mind," Deora told the reporters.
Earlier, Chief Justice of India Altmas Kabir agreed with the exigent need to revisit the law. CJI’s approval comes as a response to a PIL filed by Shreya Singhal, a young law student from Delhi that describes Section 66(A) of the Information and Technology Act as unconstitutional as it allows for arrests based on messages that are offensive or annoying and are sent electronically.