National-award-winning actor Nana Patekar has appealed to get diverted cousins, Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray and MNS boss Raj Thackeray, to patch up and work together while he told them on a TV show not to stay separately and work together for the benefit of all of us. Moreover, Raj, late Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray's nephew have been separated from the Shiv Sena in 2006 to form the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS).
Moreover, the 62-year-old actor said that he considered Bal Thackeray as a father figure, but he never gave me a ticket from his party and that he, however, ruled out joining active politics while he had an equally good relationship with both NCP chief Sharad Pawar and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi. He added that the reason being that he never sought favours from either of them till date, otherwise friendship ends.
The national-award-winning actor's latest film 'The Attacks of 26/11' release today. Which is directed by Ram Gopal Varma, which has Patekar in the role of Rakesh Maria, Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime).
In fact, Megastar Amitabh Bachchan was known to have written to him praising about the film because of which he says that he is happy that a senior colleague has liked it but he expresses that this is not a movie and that there are no songs and dances that will entertain. And that is one reason why he is part of this movie. As this film gives a message and is also an experience...
Mr Patekar also added that this is not an incident to be happy about as it's a horrible incident, which we would ideally prefer to forget and he will not like to call it a documentation.
He stresses on the element of fact of the film depicting the November 2008 Mumbai attack in which 166 people were killed while saying that what is being said through this film is said though a certain character played by him in the film. He in fact denied media reports that the Indian police has been depicted in the movie as helpless, surrendering before Pakistani terrorists which is a false charge!
Truth is always bitter to taste but still remains a fact!
(AW:Samrat Biswas)