Chandigarh news

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  • Chandigarh pubs skirts, Chandigarh news, chandigarh pubs no new rules short skirts allowed, Chandigarh news

    Chandigarh pubs: No new rules, short skirts allowed 21 April 2016

    No new rules for the bars and discotheques in Chandigarh and even short skirts are not banned here. But if the establishments are considered “indecent or of a scurrilous character or seditious and likely to excite political discontent”, they do empower...

    Keywords: Chandigarh news, Chandigarh pubs skirts, Chandigarh pubs skirts, Chandigarh pubs skirts

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    CCTV, Robbery, gunman fires loots rs 5 lakh gold, Chandigarh news

    Gunman fires, loots Rs 5 lakh gold 05 August 2014

    A lone gunman from nowhere crept inside a jewellery shop, fired at the shopkeeper and looted Gold worth Rupees 5 lakhs.  This shocking incident happened on Monday in Chandigarh at the busy Sector 22-D market and ironically the shop is...

    Keywords: CCTV, karan jewellers, Chandigarh news, Robbery

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