• cybercrime, business data theft., cybercrime costs unreasonable for the global economy, Espionage

    Cybercrime costs unreasonable for the global economy 23 July 2013

    A study released on Monday brought into prominence that cybercrime undergoes expenditure for the global economy between US$100 billion and US$500 billion (S$127 billion and S$633 billion) annually. The study known to have acknowledged more data is needed for precise...

    Keywords: cybercrime costs unreasonable for the global economy, james lewis, global economy, cybercrime expenditure in global economy

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    espionage, espionage, the eagle learns the dragon s cruel intentions, Espionage

    The Eagle Learns The Dragon's Cruel Intentions 08 May 2013

    US government has directly accused Chinese military's IT cell for the increasing no of attacks on US defense computer systems and said the motive could be to determine " military capabilities that could be exploited during a crisis." US Secretary...

    Keywords: chinese defense technology, chinese spy activities in us, espionage, pentagon paper on china

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    US Center for Defense Information, drive-in, cyber espionage by hackers on the prowl, Espionage

    Cyber espionage by hackers on the prowl 16 May 2012

    A tactical ploy by seasoned hackers seems to on the prowl reveal internet security researchers. However these hackers are targeting highly traffic sites and laying virus traps. Theses traps get into the users system while browsing the public sites and...

    Keywords: drive-in, Traffic sites, prowl reveal, Shadowserver

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    Naro-Tartaruga, Naro-Tartaruga, naro tartaruga robot turtle on espionage mission, Espionage

    Naro-Tartaruga, robot turtle on espionage mission 08 October 2012

    Scientists have created an aluminium robot turtle Nara-Tartauruga, that could dive beneath the water and make the research under any bizarre circumstances. This turtle has under its dome, a bunch of sensors and batteries needed, to keep it working. The...

    Keywords: October 08, Naro-Tartaruga, 08 October., Naro-Tartaruga

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    neutralized, Pakistani Spies, 63 pak indian nationals arrested for spying, Espionage

    63 Pak, Indian nationals arrested for spying 29 August 2012

    14 spies from Pakistan were either neutralized or arrested in the different states of the country in the past 3 years according to the government's announcement on Tuesday. Along with them there were 49 Indian spies who were also arrested...

    Keywords: espionage, neutralized, Minister of state for Home, espionage

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