Lokayukta police

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  • group D employee, group D employee, richest peon on earth, Lokayukta police

    Richest peon on earth? 15 March 2013

    One peon in BBMP has acquired a wealth of five houses, three sites, 2 acres and 16 guntas of land, a Mahindra Scorpio, 166 grams of gold ornaments and 650 grams of silver. However, he was caught by the Lokayukta...

    Keywords: bbmp, lokayukta police, bbmp, government officials

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    madyapradesh lokayukta, umesh gandhi, ips officer swindles 25 crores, Lokayukta police

    IPS officer swindles 25 crores 03 November 2012

    Senior IPS officer of Saturday was found with cash and wealth that amounted to Rs 25 crore after the Madhya Pradesh Lokayukta Police have raided his residences. Umesh Gandhi, the DIG for Prisons was the accused who had stashed the...

    Keywords: lokayukta police, umash gandhi, umesh gandhi, umesh gandhi

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