Prp district leaders

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  • PRP district leaders, mega star Chiranjeevi, chiru to join congress on aug 8, Prp district leaders

    Chiru to join Congress on Aug 8 03 August 2011

    Taking the merger of the PRP with the congress party to its logical conclusion, mega star Chiranjeevi will formally take the congress membership on August 8 in the presence of party president Sonia Gandhi in Delhi. Sonia invited Chiru to...

    Keywords: Merger of the PRP with the congress party, Congress-PRP merger, PRP MLAs, PRP MLAs

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    mega star Chiranjeevi, PRP senior leaders, chiru to join congress on aug 8, Prp district leaders

    Chiru to join Congress on Aug 8 03 August 2011

    Taking the merger of the PRP with the congress party to its logical conclusion, mega star Chiranjeevi will formally take the congress membership on August 8 in the presence of party president Sonia Gandhi in Delhi. Sonia invited Chiru to...

    Keywords: Congress-PRP merger, PRP MLAs, mega star Chiranjeevi, PRP district leaders

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