Shikhar Dhawan hit an aggressive century, as defending champions, India recorded their fifth victory in a row in the World Cup with a thumping eight-wicket win over Ireland. Chasing a modest 260-run target, Dhawan notched his second century of the tournament with an 85-ball 100. This latest victory has put India, into the quarter-finals, to finish on top of Pool B ahead of their last group game against Zimbabwe in Auckland on Saturday.
Ireland, meanwhile, need a win against Pakistan in their last Pool match in Adelaide to reach the last eight. "We have put in a lot of yards in the last few weeks. It is all about being fresh for Pakistan. If you can't get up for these games you won't be up for any," said Ireland captain William Porterfield.
"Our bowlers are really doing the job for us, they've stepped up -- not just the three fast bowlers, the spinners are complimenting them and when we've used part-timers they've done well," said India skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
Below is the score card
By Premji