Hardly enough aspirants have had their hands on Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and the flagship mobile Samsung Galaxy S3 in India, which are currently touted to be the most powerful mobile devices available in the market with features that promise performance better than any other mobile device, hands down. But the South Korean manufacturer is not yet content with his developments. The mobile manufacturing company has decided to take it up another notch with a full HD capable screen. That’s right, a mobile that is capable of sporting a full HD, 1080p resolution.
There are speculations that the Samsung Galaxy S IV would make its first appearance earlier than the expected February or March at the Mobile World Congress, MWC. The CES 2013 would be Samsung’s playground for unveiling the beast after becoming the most successful mobile phone manufacturer.
This monster of a mobile will supersede as the company’s flagship mobile after Samsung Galaxy S3 and probably even the extremely successful Samsung Galaxy Note II, as it is expected to have a 4.99 inch display. The full HD capable device hides underneath it, a completely novel Samsung Exynos 5450 processor.
It can be guessed that there would be several other handsome improvements on the already existing state-of-the-art features available on the mobile.
Are you ready for it yet?
(AW- Anil)