Do you know that having romance is not just a pleasure but even good to body? Yes, sexual intercourse will be biologically helpful to the body, says many Love health experts. Take a look at some of the benefits of Romance:
1. Erectile dysfunction: Taking part in romance regularly will keep erectile dysfunction far away. Often people who have erectile dysfunction are those who don’t take part in romance regularly.
2. Stress beater: Having romance will beat the shell of stress! The thirty minutes of work between the sheets will erase you work blues and other tensions that the hectic day offers.
3. Burns calories: Regular love making will burn the extra calories. So, you its like you are doing physical exercise while having pleasure! So, make sure you make romance your daily affair only if you are married otherwise you would end up attracting pleasure transmitted diseases.
4. Look younger: Vitamin D will get boosted each time you take part in love and this vitamin is very crucial in making you look younger.
5. Longer life: Scientific study at Wales University proved that people who take part in bed twice a week are the ones who live longer compared to those who have romance once in a month.
So, don’t think romance will eat your energy. Besides these biological factors, pleasure is often associated with feelings of love and warmth. Therefore, the bonding with your partner will grow strong each time you have romance! (Phani)